Račianske mýto

Račianske mýto (literal Slovak: "(the) Rača Toll") is a major transport junction and intersection in Bratislava, Slovakia, at the border of the Staré Mesto and Nové Mesto districts. It is located at .



In addition to the streets mentioned below, the intersection is crossed by tram lines north-south, trolleybus lines east-west, and bus routes in all directions.

The northwestern side of the area includes a park and building complex, partially built on the site of two former cemeteries.[1] Near the park's central fountain is a monument, erected in 2002 to commemorate this history. Nearby stands a statue entitled Hirošima, a gift from sculptor Tibor Bártfay,[2] at the former site of a Soviet statue of a militiaman dating to 1972[3] commemorating the Red Army's victory over Nazi Germany.[4]


Račianske mýto arose in 1767, when a toll (Slovak: mýto) house was erected at the site (at that time, this was the border of the town).[5] From the late 18th century, it was called Ratschdorfer Linie, German for "Line of Rača", referring to the line which, after a trader crossed it, a toll was due. From 1861 it was known as Récsei vámsoromszok (Hungarian), from 1920 Račištorfské mýto, and it has borne its current name from 1945 onwards.[5] Račianske mýto takes its name from its situation on the road connecting Bratislava to Rača ("Račianske") and from the toll point ("mýto"), though no tolls are collected there anymore.

The tram track from the city center via Radlinského and Račianske mýto to Gaštanový hájik (later to Komisárky) was completed in 1899.[6] The Roman Catholic and Protestant cemeteries, dating to 1778 and 1781, respectively, were relocated to Slávičie údolie in the 1960s.[1]

Connecting streets


  1. ^ a b Horváth, J., p. 256-257
  2. ^ "Vandalizmus na Račianskom mýte" (in Slovak). Hlas Nového mesta (Miestny úrad Bratislava-Nové Mesto): p. 4. June 2007. 
  3. ^ Dejiny Bratislavy, p. 356
  4. ^ Dejiny Bratislavy, p. 304
  5. ^ a b Horváth V., p. 244
  6. ^ Dejiny Bratislavy, p. 213


Archív hlavného mesta SSR Bratislavy (1979). Ján Mojžiš. ed (in Slovak). Dejiny Bratislavy (2nd ed.). Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Obzor, n. p.. 

Horváth, Jozef (1971). "Vzník a vývin cintorínov v Bratislava do roku 1918". In Kalesný, František. Spisy mestského múzea v Bratislava / BRATISLAVA. VI. Osveta. pp. 245–266 

Horváth, Vladimír (1990) (in Slovak). Bratislavský topografický lexikon. Bratislava: Tatran. pp. 178–179. ISBN 80-222-0229-0.